Public Parks
Pleasant Ridge Park: Click for Details
Avonia Beach Park: Click for Details
Struchen Flats Park:A “secluded beauty” located on Platz/Elk Valley Road. It consists of 17 wooded acres carved along the shores of Elk Creek that offers another pristine fishing spot for anglers. It contains no specific recreational activities other than hunting, fishing and enjoyment for nature lovers. | |
Fairview Central Park:New to the center of Fairview Township at the intersection of Routes 98 & 20. It serves as a welcome to residents and visitors, providing an area for relaxation with a sitting area with benches, pergola, sidewalks, flowers & plantings, and a school bell that once opened each school day at an early Fairview school. | |
Fairview Flag Park:Located on 18 acres in the Fairview Business Park East, providing for passive recreation - walking, jogging, riding bicycles or exercising your pet. There is a parking area in the area of the pond and flag. | |
Buseck Memorial Park:A small park, consisting of only two benches, located on the corner of Avonia Road (Route 98) and Chestnut Street and is used for rest and relaxation as well as a green environmental area. |