Public Records Request
Fairview Township’s Open Records Procedures
All requests for review and/or duplication of public records shall be submitted to the Open Records Officer, Mihelle Barnes.
Request for Public Records Form
Written requests may be submitted to the Township in one of the following ways:
- In person: (Hand Delivered) to Michelle Barnes, Open Records Officer, Fairview Township, 7471 McCray Road, Fairview, PA 16415 between the hours of 8:00AM and 4:00 PM
- Mail: Send to Open Records Officer, Fairview Township, 7471 McCray Road, Fairview, PA 16415
- Fax: 814-474-1199
- E-mail: [email protected]
Procedures for Denied or Partially Denied Record Requests-
If a written request to a record is denied or denied in part, the requester has the right to appeal the denial in writing to:
Terry Mutchler, Executive Director
Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, 4th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17120
If a written request to a record is denied or denied in part because the information is a criminal investigative report, the requester has the right to appeal in writing to:
District Attorney of Erie County
Erie County Court House
140 W. 6th Street
Erie, PA 16501
Public Records Policy
Public records will be available for inspection and copying at the Fairview Township Municipal Building Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. with the exception of holidays.
Requests shall be in writing and directed to the Open Records Officer at the Fairview Township Municipal Building, 7471 McCray Road, Fairview, PA 16415 on the form provided, specifically identifying the requested information.
- $.25 per page per side for paper copies
- $15.00 per hour when research is necessary
- $.50 handling charge and postage, if mailed
- $1.00 for disk, provided by Township
- $.50 per page for fax copies
- $1.00 per transaction for email copies (prepaid)
- $1.00 for "True and Correct Certification" requests
The Township will make a good faith effort to provide the requested public records as promptly as possible. Township employees shall cooperate with those requesting to review and/or duplicate original Township documents while taking reasonable measures to protect Township documents from the possibility of theft and/or modification. The Township Open Records Officer shall review all written requests and shall respond in one of the following manners, consistent with Act 3 of 2008, the Right-to-Know Law:
- The information will be supplied within five (5) business days from the receipt of the request after it is determined the requested record is a public record.
- A denial will be issued, stating the reason(s).
- An exception for the time requirements because of
- redaction is required (strike out non-public information and produce the remainder of the document)
- documents must be retrieved stored in a remote location
- staffing limitations causing adequate response time
- legal review is necessary to determine whether the record is a public record
- requester has not complied with policies regarding access to the records
- requester refuses to pay applicable fees
No Township records are to leave the office premises at any time.
Appeals Process
The township shall make a good-faith effort to provide the requested public record(s) as promptly as possible. The Open Records Officer shall cooperate with those requesting records to review and/or duplicate original township documents while taking reasonable measure to protect township documents from the possibility of theft, damage, and/or modification.
The Open Records Officer shall review all written requests for access to public records. As soon as possible, but no later than five business days after receiving a written request to access public records, the Open Records Officer shall respond to such requests in writing consistent with Act 3 of 2008, the Right-to-Know Law.
If access to a record is denied, the response shall include a reason for denial as stipulated in Act 3 of 2008, the Right-to-Know Law.
Contact Information for Appeals
If a written request is denied or deemed denied, the requester may file an appeal in writing to Terry Mutchler, Executive Director, Office of Open Records, Commonwealth Keystone Building 400 North Street, Plaza Level Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225