Construction Stormwater
MCM 4: Construction Stormwater
Minimum Control Measure (MCM) #4 of the MS4 permit deals with Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control. There are three Best Management Practices (BMPs) within MCM #4 in the 2018 permit. The following is a selection of resources for those seeking more information on MS4 permit requirements related to MCM #4.
In compliance with the MCM#4 requirement for the MS4 permit, Fairview Township, Erie County, PA, is dedicated to monitoring and managing illicit discharges from construction sites. The Township conducts regular inspections and enforces stringent sediment and erosion control measures to prevent pollutants from entering stormwater systems. Any observed illicit discharges are promptly investigated, and corrective actions are taken to mitigate environmental impacts. If you witness any illicit discharges or have concerns, please contact the Fairview Township Supervisors at (814) 474-5942 or fill out the complaint form below. Through these efforts, Fairview Township is committed to protecting local water quality and ensuring compliance with environmental standards.
DEP Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual (PDF) (363-2134-008)
Construction Site Complaint Form (Word) - Form may be used by MS4s for logging and tracking complaints about construction stormwater issues.
Clean Water Academy Minimum Control Measures (MCM) Training – Part 2Opens In A New Window - This course was developed to provide citizens of municipalities regulated by MS4 permits with a basic understanding of MS4 permit requirements and covers MCMs 4 – 6.